Saturday, July 26, 2014

Happier as Ones

my parents didn't trust him
because i met him online
and perhaps i shouldn't have either
but that is looking back...
and looking forward to our potential future
there was no room for fear,
no time to hold back

so he took me from the safety of my home
to a pool hall (of all places)
a dark haven for dark things.
the setting should have been my first clue --
but i was seventeen and hadn't yet tasted the world,
so its shadows intrigued me
and our flirtation kept me from thinking too hard

i can't remember where we went from there --
a movie theater?
a room underground
where sunlight couldn't penetrate the walls? --
but the next few years tried to steal my light
(and almost succeeded).
but he wasn't for me.

i was bitter when things ended,
blamed him for changing me
and for refusing to change himself.
but i see now we both behaved badly,
cursing one another
for being too different.
two different: we're happier as ones.

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